The revolutionary way to learn piano
To Start Playing
To Start Playing
4k Touchscreen
4k Touchscreen
AI & Teachers
AI & Teachers

Designed for Enjoyment and Creativity
As an advanced software and music system, Polaro allows you to explore endless possibilities for playing the piano. Unlock your creativity and take your music skills to new heights.

Smart Software
Revolutionary PianoOS offers modern and constantly updating functionality for adults and kids to enjoy their music learning journey.

Apps and Lessons
Guided lessons with the help of an AI Polaro assistant, and quick access to online teachers handpicked to work with Polaro users.
Polaro Specs
Lessons to First song
5 days
Illuminated Keyboard
Widest Screen
4k Touchscreen
Data Driven
Accelerates progress
Piano Score
Compete with friends
Kid Friendly
A fun, easy way to learn
Camera system
Front Two-way video lessons
AI Music Assist
Adapts to your playing style
Refundable Deposit
Be one of the first in line
Bring music to your life
For adults and kids. A revolution in music education